foot care

Our feet carry us everywhere in our daily life and support us. However, we may not value our feet enough and neglect their care. Here are the things to consider in order to take the best care of our feet:

  1. Hygiene of your feet: Wash our feet frequently and change the slippers, socks and shoes we use daily. If possible, if you want to wear a shoe you have worn again, we recommend that you wear it after airing.
  2. Prevent sweating: Our feet sweat a lot and this causes discomfort. Use foot care products that reduce sweating to prevent sweating. You should especially pay attention to the type of socks you choose. Microorganisms form on the non-breathing and sweaty feet and they cause odor.
  3. Be wary of athlete's foot: athlete's foot is irritating and not very pleasant to look at. Dry your feet well against foot fungus and you can use Velvet Foot Care Cream and Velvet Heel Cracked Cream for foot care.
  4. Keep your feet soft: Exfoliate and use Velvet Foot Cream to keep your feet soft. Velvet foot care cream not only keeps your feet soft, but also renews your cells and helps you protect your foot health.
  5. Choose shoes that fit your feet: You should choose shoes that fit our feet. Shoes that squeeze your feet or bend too much while walking cause discomfort and endanger the health of our feet. We recommend that you choose your shoes carefully, especially since the wounds on the feet heal more difficult.
  6. Prioritize foot problems: Do not ignore the problems that occur in our feet too much. See a doctor right away, especially if you have problems such as pain, swelling or swelling.
  7. Do not stand for a long time: We should rest our feet without standing for a long time. Put our feet on a high place or put pillows on our feet. relax. If you want, you can crown this comfort with Velvet foot care cream. After massaging your feet with Velvet care cream, stretch your feet and enjoy relaxation.
  8. Do foot exercises: Exercise to keep our feet strong. Do exercises that help your feet move in a variety of ways. This will regulate the blood flow in your feet and prevent the formation of varicose veins.

In order to take the best care of our feet, we must apply these considerations. Remember, healthy feet are the steps to a healthy and happy life.
